† Caucasian moose A. a. caucasicus: Caucasus Mountains. Female moose are smaller than the male. They are also one of the largest land mammals in North America. Alaska State Land Mammal Moose (Alces alces) Adopted on May 1, 1998. Click Here for more animal facts. Moose can be distinguished by different sizes and antler shapes.

They are ungulates, which means a hoofed animal.

The largest moose is the Alaskan moose (pictured above) that can stand at 7 feet tall with an antler span of 6 feet.

Moose Facts for Kids. Moose are the largest members of the deer family, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The moose is a grand and dignified animal and relays the seemingly forgotten message that nature commands attention, awe, and respect.
Their huge bodies are covered with short dark brown fur.

Moose are mammals.

Shiras moose A. a. shirasi: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah Washington, and Wyoming. The moose, (Alces alces,) was made the official Alaska land mammal when Governor Tony Knowles signed SB 265 into law on May 1, 1998 with an effective date of 7/29/98.Moose can be found from the Unuk River in Southeast to the Arctic Slope, but are most abundant in second-growth birch forests, on timberline plateaus and along … Moose are members of the deer family.

They are the largest member of the deer family.

Moose are not endangered. They can be found all over the North hemisphere, mainly in the colder climate. The Alaskan subspecies of moose (Alces alces gigas) is the largest in the world; adult males weigh 1,200 to 1,600 pounds (542–725 kg), and adult females weigh 800 to 1,300 pounds (364–591 kg) Alaska's substantial moose population is controlled by predators such as bears and wolves, which prey mainly on vulnerable calves, as well as by hunters.. Because of the abundance of moose in Alaska, moose … Its rack of antlers span between 120 and 150 centimeters and may weigh about 20-30 kg. 10. Interesting Moose Facts: Males and females have the same height (around 4-6 feet at shoulders), but different weight. Moose is one of the northern hemisphere’s largest mammals on land, currently present on this earth. They are also the tallest mammals in North America. The largest subspecies in North America, mass cited below. Extinct due to loss of habitat … Smallest subspecies in North America, weighing about 230 to 344 kg (507 to 758 lb) at maturity. The number of moose present in Canada is between half million to one million. Males are heavier and they can …

Moose are the largest animals of the deer family. Moose Information, Photos & Facts. Moose (Alces alces) Also know as American moose (Alces americanus) Species Code: ALAL What they look like: Moose are the largest members of the deer family and one of the largest land mammals in North America. The Moose (Alces alces) is a species of deer located in the Northern Hemisphere, specifically in Alaska, Canada, and Europe. Alaska moose A. a. gigas: Alaska and western Yukon.

Here are some Canadian moose facts. Adults may stand as tall as 2.3 m high. NatureMapping Animal Facts for Kids Moose. Moose can weigh between 500-1400 pounds and can be 7ft- 10ft long. Moose prefer … Moose Facts.

They inhabit forests during winter and areas near rivers and streams during summer.

Moose are found in Canadian forests in Newfoundland, Labrador and in Alaska. They have large ears and a long square …

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