Recently fledged birds … The European Robin averages 2.5 - 14.0 cm (5.0 - 5.5 inches) in length. It has an orange-red breast and face, olive-brown wings and back, a white to light-brown belly. Both the male and the female has a distinctive red patch on the chest. Learn about robins, Britain's unofficial national bird, with our expert guide, ... Robins are prolific breeders, often producing between three and five broods a year, each containing four or five eggs. The majority of birds build strong sheltered nests so they can last long after the eggs have hatched. It is not unusual to find old robin nests that are not abandoned, but vacated. Rather solitary outside the breeding season, it is very close to us … Robins will nest almost anywhere; old welly boots, watering-cans, jugs, coils of rope are just a few odd places recorded. Both parents care for young robins, which fly after only 12-16 days. european robin american robin common nightingale finches bunting - november blue tit European robin (Erithacus rubecula) and eggs, with wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.), from the natural history cabinet of Anna Blackburne., Collection of British art from the Elizabethan period to the present day, including paintings, sculpture, drawings, prints, rare books, and manuscripts.
Passeriforme Order – Muscicapidae Family. Very common and familiar species (as its name indicates it), the European Robin is really the king of the gardens. If a nest is found with no eggs or chicks in it, leave it alone.

The robin is an insectivore: only it eats insects.It is a member of the order Passerine which makes it a perching bird. European Robin Erithacus rubecula.
Erithacus rubecula - European Robin nest/eggs The nest of the European Robin is a shallow, rather messy cup of grass, straw, hay, twigs, mud etc, built by the female. The European robin (Erithacus rubecula) is a small bird found in many parts of Europe.In English, this bird is usually just called a robin.In Britain, it is the most popular bird.. European robin guide: diet, habitat and species facts. American robin eggs are a light blue color while European robin eggs are white. For each batch of eggs, the female robin will build a new nest.

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