A rescuer in Melbourne brought the orphan possum to the Boronia Veterinary Clinic, where she lit up the room with her bright yellow fur. Regardless, this adorable possum had its pictures taken by the staff at the clinic and it went viral for all the right reasons. Sort by. A golden retriever was briefly the foster father of a little lost baby possum last Friday. Posted by.

best top new controversial old q&a. With no disguise. 0:00. Possums are a suborder of 70 tree-living marsupial species native to Australia and the Indonesian islands of New Guinea and Sulawesi. An adorable rescued baby possum displaying a rare “golden” mutation was found in Australia and she has become the mascot of an Australian veterinary clinic.The cute little possum went viral in immediately on the internet, people are convinced she’s a Pikachu.

Golden retriever named Bowie is hailed as a hero after saving the life of a baby possum by letting it snuggle in his fur until it could be reunited with its mother. Possums have really hardy immune systems and are resistant to rabies. 1 year ago. The opossum, or possum, is the only marsupial in North America. 97 comments. They grow to be roughly the size of a domestic house cat and have long snouts and prehensile tails. Well, this rare golden possum is undeniably the closest thing to Pikachu so now owning a real-life Pikachu isn’t just a pipe dream. The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is one of the most widespread species in Australia, found throughout the eastern and northern parts of the continent, as well as some western regions, Tasmania and a number of offshore islands. Close.

Settings. And you probably felt heartbroken when you realized that the adorable Pokemon is just a fictional character and it isn’t real.
Abandoned baby possum with Fauna Rescue volunteer, Adelaide, South Australia The common brushtail possum is considered a pest in some areas, as it is known to cause damage to pine plantations, regenerative forest, flowers, fruit trees, and buildings. They are also partially immune to the venom of many snakes, such as pit vipers, rattlesnakes, and cottonmouths. Until you are able to contact and place the orphan with a permitted Wildlife Rehabilitator, you can follow these CARE INSTRUCTIONS to give the infant the best chance for survival.

The orphaned brushtail possum arrived at Boronia Veterinary Clinic in Melbourne in recent weeks after it was found lying on the ground by a member of the public. Play. mother and baby golden possum. GOLDEN BRUSHTAIL possums, adorable and rare, are an unusual form of the common brushtail possum that get their fluffy golden coats from a genetic mutation that results in low levels of melanin in their skin and fur; this is the same pigment that gives human skin and hair its colour and makes you look tanned. A rare golden possum has found viral fame thanks to its striking similarity with the Pokemon character Pikachu after being saved from almost certain death by a good Samaritan. The possum was still a baby at the time — around five months old, according to the veterinarian experts. best.

Or there’s another explanation.

There are four main colour variations of the common brushtail possum: silver-grey, brown, black and golden. u/boi_thats_my_yeet. DEAR RON: That is the normal way mama opossums transport their babies, although by the time they are up on her back, they’re closer in opossum age to teenagers. save hide report. Archived. Rare golden brushtail possum has resemblance to Pokemon character Pikachu ; Baby orphan found lying on the ground and presented to a Melbourne vet clinic; It … 0:00.

A one-year-old golden retriever pup became the foster dad of a lost baby possum after it fell off his momma's back.

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