It is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest classic films of all time. the land shuttle reminds me of luke skywalker's and the robot walks similar to c3po and at it's end makes a sound just like r2d2.

In VOYAGE TO THE PREHISTORIC PLANET, a team of astronauts is dispatched to the planet Venus, since it's the year 2020 and the moon has long been colonized. Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (1965) is a classic movie directed by Curtis Harrington, and starring Basil Rathbone; Faith Domergue; Marc Shannon. Along w/ their trusty robot, John, the explorers land on our sister world. This great film will surely attract a whole new generation of classic movie fans. Along w/ their trusty robot, John, the explorers land on our sister world. The Sirius lands in Venus and Commander Brendan Lockhart, Andre Ferneau and Hans Walter explore the planet and are attacked by prehistoric animals. Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet is a 1965 American science fiction film, one of two versions adapted for Roger Corman from the Soviet science fiction movie Planeta Bur (Planet of Storms), scripted by Aleksandr Kazantsev from his novel and directed by Pavel Klushantsev. Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet Categories: scifi User rating: Not Yet Rated In the year 2020, cosmonaut Marcia (Faith Domergue) orbits the planet Venus while two astronauts and a robot journey on the surface. Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women is a 1968 American science fiction film, one of two which were adapted from the 1962 Soviet SF film Planeta Bur (Planet of Storms) for Roger Corman. item 7 Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women NEW DVD Cult 60s Sci-Fi REGOIN FREE - Voyage ... must of seen this film and got some of his ideas for star wars. Uh-oh! While Basil Rathbone and Faith Demergue watch and listen from a moon base and satellite respectively, the brave astronauts disembark. Professor Hartman (Basil Rathbone) is also on hand to observe the exploration from a distance. Uh-oh! While Basil Rathbone and Faith Demergue watch and listen from a moon base and satellite respectively, the brave astronauts disembark.

In VOYAGE TO THE PREHISTORIC PLANET, a team of astronauts is dispatched to the planet Venus, since it's the year 2020 and the moon has long been colonized.

The leader ship Vega stays orbiting and sends the astronauts Kern and Sherman with the robot John to the surface of Venus, but they have problems with communication with Dr. Marsha Evans in Vega.

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