We examined the carbon flux mediated by the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia testudinaria, on reefs in the Red Sea across an inshore–offshore gradient that had previously been proposed to affect sponge nutrition in other parts of the tropics. Giant specimens may reach a diameter of up to 2 meters. About the Giant Barrel Sponge The Giant Barrel Sponges are barrel-shaped sponges with a rough, hard exterior. They may be over 100 years old, as the sponges grow only about 1.5 cm a year. The shape of the sponge also affects the digestive process. They live in deep coral reefs and muddy sand bottoms in deep water. They can be gray, brown, red-brown or rose-purple. Giant Barrel Sponge Since the sponge cannot move it has to wait for the other algae particles to swim by it. Collar cells and the flagella beat the food to make it enter the sponge. Sponges do not have a cardiovascular system. One cool fact about the Giant Barrel sponge is that its average lifespan is 2,000 years, which is pretty impressive for a sea creature. It is typically brownish-red to brownish-gray in color, with a hard or stony texture. The Giant Barrel sponge is a filter feeder, where water is pumped through the interior o the sponges body.

The giant barrel sponge (Xestospongia muta) is the largest species of sponge found growing on Caribbean coral reefs. It is common at depths greater than 10 metres (33 ft) down to 120 metres (390 ft) and can reach a diameter of 1.8 metres (6 feet). The sponge is covered with pores where the algea is sucked in. The sponge doesnt even have a mouth so each cell individually takes the food.

The giant barrel sponge is a large sponge that lives on coral reefs around the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters.

Seawater samples were collected from the incurrent and excurrent flow of 35 sponges. Reaching sizes of at least 6 feet (1.8 m) across, this is one of the largest sponge species wherever it lives.

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